Donate to Macon GOP!
We need your assistance!
The activities of the Macon County Republican Party are funded
by private
donations from individuals - people like us
who want to elect the best
conservatives and preserve our freedoms.
We ask for your help to promote
our mission and values.
Please donate dollars and time - it will take all of us this election cycle!
To volunteer to help at headquarters or with
Anonymous contributions are prohibited by law in North Carolina.
We are required to report the name, mailing address, occupation,
former occupation if retired, and name of employer or former employer
for each individual making a donation.
When you click the donate button
the form you see will prompt you for all the information that is needed.
we will ask for phone and email but this option is optional.
Contributions from foreign
nationals are prohibited.
Contributions from business accounts are
applied to the Building Fund.