Republican Party

Macon County, North Carolina
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Volunteer Appreciation Celebration!!! Thursday, February 20th, 2025 6:30 pm.

Thursday, February 20th, 20256:30 pm.
Robert C Carpenter Community Building
1288 Georgia Rd | Franklin, NC

2025 Annual Precinct Meetings & Convention Information

The annual precinct meetings and convention will be a combined event on March 1st.
When: SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 2025
Where: Robert C Carpenter Community Building | 1288 Georgia Rd | Franklin, NC
Registration and Check-in: 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm.
Convention: begins at 4:30 pm.

  • You must be a registered Republican in Macon County, NC on January 31st 2025 to vote in your Precinct Meeting and/or to be a candidate for Officer, Delegate, or Alternate at State Convention. (Other registered Republicans may attend as a Guest.)
  • Pre-registration for the annual county convention ends at midnight on February 26th 2025.
  • IF YOU ARRIVE AFTER registration/check-in ends, you won't be allowed to vote.
There will be onsite same day registration. (We do encourage on-line registration.)

Invited Speakers & Major Guests

Check back often as more speakers and guests are added.

Senator Kevin Corbin 
Senator Kevin Corbin has devoted his life to serving the people of Western North Carolina. Born and raised in the scenic mountains of Macon County. He served on the Macon County School Board, on the Macon County Commission, NC House of Representatives (District 120, Appropriations on Education/Higher Education and Commerce and Insurance, etc.).In 2020, Kevin was elected to the NC Senate (District 50). His tenure in the Senate has been marked by significant legislative achievements, particularly in the realms of broadband expansion, education, and school safety. His efforts were instrumental in the expansion of Medicaid in North Carolina, extending coverage to 600,000 residents for the first time—an accomplishment that highlights his ability to effect substantial change across party lines.

Representative Karl Gillespie
A fifth-generation Maconian. Previously served on the Macon County Board of Commissioners, Southwestern Community College Board of Trustees, Vice President of the North Carolina Cattlemen’s Association, and Macon County Farm Bureau Board of Directors.
Currently serves in the NC House of Representatives as House Majority Whip, Chair of the Appropriations-Agriculture, Natural and Economic Resources Committee, Chair of the Environment Committee, Vice-Chair of Agriculture, Vice-Chair of Appropriations, Vice-Chair of Federal Relations and American-Indian Affairs, Vice-Chair of Wildlife Resources, Vice-Chair of the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources, and Member of Disaster Recovery and Homeland Security.

Republican Headquarters 
867 Highlands Road Franklin NC
Click Here
 For some pictures at Head Quarters!!!!

Macon County GOP Headquarters
New Hours 
Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, 10am to 2pm 
New products have arrived please stop by and  get your party merchandise for donations to the Macon GOP!!!!

For the Macon Graham County Young Republican Club

Click Here

Click The button below for officers

This is possibly the most important web note to date.
Click the logo above it will take you to the Presidential Prayer Team Website.
On the site you may join the prayer team (no $) and receive:
Daily devotional for our nation; Specific
prayer needs for the President, Congress, Judicial leaders,
Current Events, Wars and Terrorism, the Economy, and Across the States.
Scripture for the Week and the President's Daily Schedule.
This information allows us to pray with "specific requests" and in unity with millions of other patriots.