Precinct Info
Macon County, NC Precinct Information
There are 15 Precincts in Macon County.
Macon County, NC Voting Precincts and Locations
- North Franklin - Franklin Town Hall, 95 Main Street, Franklin
- South Franklin - Macon County Library, 149 Siler Farm Road, Franklin
- East Franklin - Macon County Environmental Resource Center, 1624 Lakeside Drive, Franklin
- Iotla - Macon County Airport, 1241 Airport Road, Franklin
- Union - Macon County Community Building, 1288 Georgia Road, Franklin
- Millshoal - Holly Springs Community Building, 2720 Cat Creek Road, Franklin
- Ellijay - Cullasaja Gorge Fire & Rescue, 104 River Road, Franklin
- Sugarfork - Pine Grove School, 38 Peeks Creek Road, Franklin
- Highlands - Highlands Civic Center, 600 N. 4th Street, Highlands
- Flats - Scaly Mountain Fire Department, 169 Hale Ridge Road, Scaly Mountain
- Smithbridge - Otto Community Building, 60 Firehouse Lane, Otto
- Cartoogechaye - West Macon Fire & Rescue, 564 Charles Nolan Road, Franklin
- Nantahala - Nantahala EMS Building, 1096 Junaluska Road, Topton
- Burningtown - Old Burningtown Fire Department, 30 Dave’s Creek Rd., Franklin
- Cowee - Cowee School, 51 Cowee School Drive, Franklin
The precinct map shown below can be found on the Macon County, NC website.
To find where you live and vote, use the layers tab on the right. Then select
Voting Precincts/Polling Locations. Select Road Map in the upper right, and then
the zoom tools (+ and -) in the upper left. Click here to go to the map site